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Thursday, February 4, 2010


When i think of my love for you the wonder of its beauty takes my breath away, i cannot recall the moment in time it began, but only the over whelming feeling of ecstasy it brought to me for at that moment i knew happiness, a happiness never known before for just the though of you give me joy beyond belief the thought of being with you and being held by you was me,one desire, i knew once we first meet none other would over do, for the one new love to know love as i never thought impossible in a lifetime, it is a love of passion and desire,its never ending need to you, for you, only you when i think of my love for you i realize now, know the true meaning of love, i will love you as long as this life endures, and beyond for you are my dreams,my realities you are my heart, are my meaning of true love....hEhEhE!!!!!
S0mEdAy s0mE0nE will wAlk int0 y0ur lifE And mAkE y0u rEAlizE why it nEvEr w0rkEd 0ut with Any0nE ElsE & whEn i first met you, i nEvEr w0uld hAvE imagined that i would have such str0ng fEElings f0r y0u i nEvEr w0uld hAvE th0ught thAt i w0uld hAvE drEAms Ab0ut y0u or miss bEing by y0ur sidE 0r gEt buttErfliEs in my st0mAch when somE0nE mEnti0ns y0ur nAmE whEn i first mEt y0u i nEvEr w0uld’vE th0ught thAt i w0uld l0ve y0u…^_^ hEhEhE